The ICO campaign for the film adaptation of the novel by V. Pelevin "Empire V" has ended

ICO Bablos has been successfully completed. The Hard Cap of €3,360,000 has been reached. 1,518,463 tokens sold in total.

From now on, Bablos tokens can only be purchased directly from the token owners. In the near future, the Bablos token will become available on the INDX Exchange.

The funds raised during the ICO will be used for the completion of filming, on the post-production and for securing a partnership with the world's leading computer graphics studios. The film will be released in 2019.


Resumed top-up and withdrawal of Bitcoin Cash

The operations of top-up and withdrawal of Bitcoin Cash have been resumed after the scheduled hard fork. Funds are credited after fifteen confirmations.

The requests submitted while the top-up and withdrawal operations were suspended are now completed, WMH and BCH.ECU have been credited according to the top-up requests and the transfers were sent to the network on the withdrawal requests. 

Those WebMoney system participants and INDX Exchange traders whose accounts were credited with new coins due to the suspension of the top-up and withdrawal operations (in cases where the top-up was made before the hard fork but after the suspension of top-up/withdrawal or a request for withdrawal submitted before the hard fork but completed after the hard fork) will be also credited with the relevant number of notes of the BSV.ECU instrument at

Top-up/withdrawal of BSV.ECU will be launched within a month.



WebMoney is celebrating its 20th birthday

On the 20th of November, WebMoney Transfer celebrated its 20th birthday. During these years we have had a long and interesting journey, launched unique services for individual users and for businesses and won the hearts and trust of almost 40 million people around the world.

The first online transaction within the system was made in the distant year 1998, where our story had begun. In that time the possibility of transferring funds and making payments without leaving a cosy home chair seemed unreal. Just imagine how innovative that idea was! We are talking about the period when a personal computer was a luxury beyond the reach of an average household and only a few had knowledge of the Internet. The creation of a modern system of electronic payments in the 90s was comparable to the launch of the first rocket into space.

Almost 20 years into the successful launch, we, without concealing our pride, are looking back on the journey we have made so far. Today WebMoney is not just an electronic wallet but it also comprised of over fifty convenient services. Users of the system have long benefited from using the crowdfunding platformthe INDX Exchange, the loan service, the business automation solutions provided by Capitaller-Shareholder, the social-business network WebMoney Events, the file storage service and many other services.

And yet, we reached another important milestone – we went beyond online payments! In addition to online payments, system users can now make payments with WebMoney in stores, pharmacies, restaurants, cafes and petrol stations. 

Geographical borders never presented a real obstacle for our expansion and we are pleased to announce that we continue to challenge boundaries beyond territorial restrictions and we will add new types of electronic wallets to the existing 10 types in the near future. 

The system participants, who were born on the 20th of November 1998 and hold BL 20 or higher, received a gift from us - 100 WMZ on their wallet. The WMID numbers of the lucky ones start from 035699******, 156168******, 395243******, 654029******, 351421******, 176087******.

Dear friends, thank you for staying with us! Please, remain seated and keep your seatbelts on, the journey of our spaceship within the WebMoney space will continue with many pleasant discoveries awaiting ahead!


Announcement on the recent hard fork in Bitcoin Cash

A hard fork has taken place in Bitcoin Cash. The last “common block” before the hard fork was #556,766.

The WMH purse registers and BCH.ECU notes in INDX traders` portfolio are recorded at the time the last block was mined.

A new instrument secured by Bitcoin SV will be created at INDX Exchange in the near future.

The notes secured by Bitcoin SV will be credited shortly according to the latest registers. The operations of depositing and withdrawal of BCH.ECU and the new instrument (BSV.ECU) will be launched once the situation is stabilised and the new chain is accepted by the network.


Announcement on the hard fork within the Bitcoin Cash network 

The scheduled hard fork within Bitcoin Cash on the 15th of November may result in segregation of the chain. The newly formed chain will not be protected from the replication of transactions.

In order to protect the funds of the WebMoney system participants, the depositing and withdrawal of the WMH title units and BCH.ECU notes of INDX Exchange will be suspended on the 14th of November 2018 at 15:00 (UTC). The details of when these operations to be resumed will be announced in due course.


Enormous sale at AliExpress on Singles` Day

WebMoney invites you to take part in the largest sale at AliExpress dedicated to the annual celebration of Singles` Day in China.

The sale starts at 13:00 (GMT) on the 10th of November and will continue for 48 hours, while you can start filling in your shopping basket right now.

As always for this event, you can expect sales of up to 90% off, with many attractive offers on popular products, including shopping vouchers and prize draws. More information about offers can be found on the dedicated page

Those shoppers placing pre-orders will receive an additional discount of 15%.

You can always pay with convenience and ease from your WebMoney wallet.

Do not miss out on the biggest sale of the year!


Updated WebMoney Keeper 3.3.7 for Android

New version 3.3.7 of WebMoney Keeper for Android now supports the latest release Android 9.0 Pie and offers new functionality together with enhanced operational speed.

The new version of the application sports better functionality, for example, you can now send messages and share contact information with your correspondent. The relevant sections were added to the chat menu.

You can download the new version of the WebMoney Keeper application from Google Play.


New WebMoney Keeper 3.4.0 for iOS and macOS

System participants can now use the new version 3.4.0 of the WebMoney Keeper app for Apple devices which offers new functionality, improved performance and support for the macOS Mojave and iOS 12 operating systems.

The new version of the application has more advanced chat functionality, for example, you can now forward messages and share contact information with your correspondent. These sections were added to the chat menu.

You can also operate with a number of WM Identifiers from within the app. To add a new WMID, simply click on the avatar in the left top corner and select Add an Account from the pop-up menu.

You can download WebMoney Keeper 3.4.0 for iOS and macOS from the App Store.


The upper limit for withdrawal of WMX, WML and WMH has been increased, with no additional verification required

The Guarantor of WMX, WML and WMH has lowered the restrictions on the withdrawal of the named currencies. System participants with a PhotoID or a WebMoney Passport of the initial and upper types can now withdraw up to 30% of their remaining balance in one 24-hour period without a delay for additional verification.

The detailed terms and conditions for the top-up and withdrawal of the WMX, WMH and WML currencies can be found at the following websites:, and


Payment of dividends on IBM.SER instrument at 

INDX Exchange distributed dividends issued on the IBM.SER instrument (International Business Machines Corporation).

The dividends of the amount of 0.0010 WMZ per note were paid to the traders who had the IBM.SER instrument in their portfolio as of August 10, 2018.

Invest in the acquisition of the IBM.SER notes and notes of other instruments at INDX Exchange and receive a stable income on the invested funds.


WME purses can now be topped up via Qiwi terminals in Romania

WebMoney system participants residing in Romania from now can top up their WME purses via QIWI terminals without charge.

The nearest terminal can be found on our website and via the mobile app (you need to select Add Funds and then Find Places Near Me in the purse menu).


INDX Exchange distributed dividends on AAPL.SER and INTC.SER instruments

INDX Exchange distributed the quarterly dividends to the AAPL.SER (Apple) and INTC.SER (Intel Corporation) instruments holders.

Holders of the AAPL.SER instrument received income of the amount of 0,0032 WMZ per note as of August 13, 2018, and the traders with notes of the INTC.SER instrument in their portfolio were paid 0,0019 WMZ per note as of August 7, 2018.

You can purchase notes secured by shares in Apple, the first American company with capital exceeding one trillion dollars, and notes secured by shares in Intel Corporation, the world leader in microprocessors and silicon microchips right now on INDX Exchange.


WebMoney Withdrawal is now available in Indonesia, Nepal, Bangladesh and the Philippines

Users of the WebMoney system residing in the Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal and Bangladesh from now on can withdraw WebMoney in cash.

This option is available at via the Cashout menu where you can submit an application for a fund transfer. 

Please, note that the transferred funds can only be received by the sender.


Launch of ICO for the screening of Empire V, a novel by V. Pelevin

ICO Bablos has been launched, which will allow anyone to invest funds into production of the film 'Empire V', based on the novel by V. Pelevin and directed by the producer of Generation P.

Contrary to other ICOs, which are supported only theoretically in business plans, the issue of Bablos tokens commenced on the final stage of the screening when financial investments were already made and 70% of the material is now recorded.

The funds attracted via the ICO will be distributed to the completion of the film production, post-production and for attracting the leading graphic design companies. The movie will be screened in 2019.

As of present, the Soft Cap of 2,000 ETH has already been reached. Bablos tokens can be purchased not only with Ethereum but also with Bitcoin and WebMoney.


Issue and receipt of loans in WMV via Debt, the debt obligations service 

Users of the debt obligations service, Debt, can now issue and receive loans in WMV, an equivalent to the Vietnamese Dong.

Currently, the service offers its users options for receiving loans online in WMR, WMZ, WMV from individual users of the WebMoney Transfer system. 

The service ensures automatic accounting for all issued funds while providing monitoring and control over full and timely repayments.


Announcement regarding the fork within Bitcoin Gold

Due to an upcoming fork within the Bitcoin Gold network, INDX Exchange will suspend the deposit and withdrawal operations with BTG a day before and a day after the fork. 

The fork is estimated to happen on 1st of July 2018 as published on the Bitcoin Gold official website.


New WMG.ECU instrument at INDX Exchange

INDX Exchange has launched trading with gold based on the WMG.ECU instrument. 1 note of the WMG.ECU instrument is valued at an equivalent of 0.01 WMG, a title unit of the WebMoney Transfer system for gold. 

We would like to remind you that the exchange does not charge transaction and service fees.


Renewed and updated WebMoney Keeper offers integration with INDX, invoice payment with QR code and other handy functionality

WebMoney system participants can now use a new improved version of WebMoney Keeper apps for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and macOS.

With the new version, trade operations at INDX Exchange can be conducted from within the app, by selecting the “More” option from the tab with the same name. 

The WebMoney Keeper sending audio messages function for iPhone, iPad, MacBook, iMac and for devices using Android OS has become even easier and more convenient to use by simply applying click and hold to the microphone icon at the bottom of the chat.

You can pay for utilities, pre-school bills and many other services without even entering payment details and avoid queueing in bank branches. To make a payment with the new version you just need to scan a QR-code on an invoice.

In addition to extended functionality, we made a number of corrections and improvements.

WebMoney Keeper 3.3.3 for iOS, 3.3.0 for Android, 3.3.0 for Windows Phone and 3.3.1 for macOS is now available for download.


Announcement by WebMoney Transfer in relation to sanctions imposed by the NSDC of Ukraine

Some subjects of the WebMoney Transfer settlement system are amongst those listed for sanction by the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine. Pursuant to the Presidential Decree 126/2018 (Annex 2, para. 428, 1-12) the operation of the system and its services will be temporarily suspended (for the duration of three years) within the territory of the country.

WebMoney.UA has operated in Ukraine for 15 years, in full compliance with the legislation that was current during the whole time frame. During this period, the system became a leader within the Ukrainian market of non-banking payments and has been frequently top-rated in ratings of consumer preferences.

In 2014, WebMoney was officially registered by the National Bank of Ukraine as an intra-state settlement system and we believe that the sanctions imposed against WebMoney are based on an unjustified and groundless decision as the system is a pioneer in financial communications and strictly adheres to the protection of security and data at the highest global standards in compliance with KYC and AML requirements.

The consequences of these sanctions will predominantly affect the four million Ukrainian residents using the system together with many businesses, thousands of online shops and entrepreneurs accepting payments with WebMoney. In the consequent absence of competition, other market players will be able to set less favourable terms for users. The truth is that for the country as a whole, this is a huge step back in time and a return from modern electronic technologies to cash payments.

We treasure our Ukrainian users and we will take every effort to restore normal operation. All funds on user wallets are secured and will be safely stored up until the date the sanctions will be abolished and the WMU flow will be resumed. The service for Ukrainian residents will be provided as normal on wallets of all types except for Hryvnia. 

We will continue to keep you up to date with any developments of the situation. We would like to say a big thank you to all system users and our partners for your support and understanding.


Temporary restrictions on the opening of new U-wallets

As a consequence of the restrictive measures which affected the ability of the WMU Guarantor to fulfil its obligations to users of the WebMoney Transfer system due to the temporary freezing of assets, restriction of trading and stay of execution of the economic and financial obligations derived of Presidential Decree 126/2018 (Annex 2 para.428, 1-12), the opening of new WMU wallets will be suspended until the end of term of the Decree or its abolition.
