The authorization service WebMoney Login, the address of which is, is used for authentication of system users on the WebMoney services websites as well as on the websites of system participants, is now even more convenient and easy to use. The Login interface has now been adapted for mobile devices and tablets.
To log into the system via a mobile browser, you need to enter your WMID, email address, telephone number registered in the system and your password. After you have entered the password, you will be required to follow a compulsory two-factor authentication using SMS or the free of charge E-NUM service.
For authentication instead of a standard “login-password” method, you can use the social network accounts: Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Plus and user accounts in Microsoft,, Yandex, etc.
The WebMoney Login service is also designed for developers and owners of external websites, who wish to use on their websites all of the authentication methods provided by the WebMoney system.